Tag: week-13

  • Clean code refers to computer code that is easy to read, comprehend, and maintain. This type of code is crafted to be straightforward, concise, and expressive, following specific conventions, standards, and practices that enhance readability and clarity. 

    The importance of clean code cannot be overstated. When code is readable and comprehensible, it facilitates collaboration among developers and boosts productivity while minimizing errors. Additionally, easy maintainability is crucial for long term projects, ensuring that the codebase can be updated and enhanced over extended periods. The foundation of clean code lies in its readability and maintainability, as beautifully articulated in the blog “How to write clean code?” By FreeCodeCamp. In this article, we’ll dissect the principles and practices behind clean code, and give you a few tips on how to craft clean cod.

    Assessing Code Cleanliness

    Determining whether code meets the standards of cleanliness involves various aspects. Good documentation, consistent formatting, and a well-organized codebase serve as benchmarks for clean code. Additionally, code reviews and thorough testing contribute to identifying potential issues and ensuring adherence to best practices.

    By incorporating tools, practices, and conventions, developers can create a codebase that is efficient.

    Tips for writing clean code:

    1. Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Simplicity
      • Prioritize effectiveness to ensure the code solves the intended problem.
      • Strive for efficiency by optimizing resource usage.
      • Embrace simplicity for code clarity and easy comprehension.
    2. Format and Syntax
      • Enforce consistent indentation and spacing.
      • Maintain a uniform syntax throughout the codebase.
      • Adhere to consistent case conventions (camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case).
    3. Naming
      • Choose clear and descriptive names for variables and functions.
      • Avoid vague or generic names that obscure the purpose of the entity.
    4. Conciseness vs. Clarity
      • Strike a balance between concise and clear code.
      • Prioritize clarity to enhance readability, even if it means sacrificing conciseness.
    5. Reusability
      • Design code with reusability in mind, promoting efficiency in development.
      • Embrace modular and scalable software architectures.
    6. Clear Flow of Execution
      • Ensure a logical and clear flow of execution in the code.
      • Steer clear of spaghetti code through thoughtful organization and structure.
    7. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
      • Assign a single responsibility to each class or module.
      • Enhance code readability and maintainability by adhering to SRP.
    8. Single Source of Truth
      • Centralize data or configurations to avoid duplication and ensure consistency.
      • Simplify updates by having a single source for critical information.
    9. Only Expose and Consume Needed Data
      • Minimize exposure or consumption of unnecessary information.
      • Utilize object destructuring for selective access to required data.
    10. Modularization
      • Break down code into smaller, manageable modules for ease of understanding.
      • Foster reusability and maintainability through thoughtful modularization.
    11. Folder Structures
      • Organize the project based on features rather than file types.
      • Cultivate a clear and logical folder structure for seamless navigation.
    12. Documentation
      • Employ comments to provide context and explain the functionality of the code.

    Reference: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-write-clean-code/

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